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Ravi Morisetty :Challenges in The Pharmacist Profession

A pharmacist like Ravi Morisetty​ faces endless challenges in his profession. Although, it seems easy and quite manageable because most of the People consider a pharmacist or chemist just as a shop owner.

The routine activities of a pharmacist perhaps look very common and the only difficult part seems to find the right medicine for a particular illness.

But there are several issues that are faced by these pharmacists regularly.

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  • Any individual who is practicing pharmacy has to maintain certain legal documents on the regular basis for the authentication of his business.
  • He has to maintain the large amount of records to match the standard criteria set by the regulatory authorities.
  • A pharmacist has to go through periodic audits that are conducted by the government officials and mystery auditors.
  • They are required to maintain the balance of stock of medicines and medical equipment from different manufacturers and suppliers.
  • The pharmacist is responsible for attaining the set sales targets from their major suppliers to maintain the regular supply of medicines.
  • Ravi Morisetty and skilled pharmacists like him need to maintain the quality of their services and knowledge to the patients and customers.